Unsung Heroes

Rather than an interesting case, this month I would like to do a bit of a shoutout to some unsung heroes. As a pet owner, your interactions with our clinic are usually with our lovely reception staff and our veterinarians. However, in the background at all our clinics, is an amazing, dedicated team of veterinary nurses. This group of people is both skilled in the work they perform and incredibly compassionate towards all our patients (even the ones that don’t love us back all that much). Behind the scenes they are placing catheters, doing x-rays, managing medications, and ensuring that anxious pets have some reassurance and our hospital patients a soft bed and an extra bit of love. We, as veterinarians, absolutely could not do the work that we do without the powerhouse team that is our veterinary nurse colleagues and their work makes a huge difference to the care of all the pets we see at the Veterinary Centre by the Big Blue Cross.