Dental Disease

We often think of old pets being affected by a single disease that causes them to age, but like us, it is often an accumulation of lots of little things that affects their quality of life. A broken tooth combined with arthritis from a previous injury and periods of itchy skin, individually may seem benign but together combine to cause chronic discomfort in our pets.

A common thing we see are cats and dogs with dental disease that people under-estimate because the pet is still eating or not showing pain. Owners also worry about anaesthesia in older pets.

The Senior Health Month is a great chance to check your pet’s teeth and discuss any concerns you may have about the general health of your cat or dog. We’ll assess your pet individually. In most situations, with a little added support, older pets are still excellent candidates for having general anaesthesia. Owners often report that their pet has a new lease of life after having their dental disease addressed.