Autumn Worm & Feet Challenge for Sheep

Because of the warmer, moist conditions through April larval challenge has been high.  Lamb drench interval needs to remain at 28 days.  Use the most effective drench available.  Using a novel active such as Startect or Zolvix once in late Autumn is gaining momentum.

There is merit in using long acting drenches to grass wintered hoggets/fine wool lambs in these conditions.  2 tooth ewe faecal egg counts that have come through the clinic have generally been high and has warranted pre-tup drenching this year.  It would be prudent monitoring FEC at mid pregnancy stage.

Feet and footrot spread has been rampant this Autumn where flocks have come through spring with more than 5% infection - this can double every 2-4 weeks.  Those farms that put in the effort during last year's dry periods have reaped the benefits this year but vigilance is still required.  It has not been a good autumn for inspecting feet and attempting to make "clean mobs" because of the rampant spread.  The Micotil treatment system has been working well to salvage ewes and break the cycle of infection.  Footvax may be a tool more farms employ this winter/spring.